Saturday, November 1, 2008


beauty is taking a step forward not behind.
i've lost myself somewhere along the way.
but there's no time.
no time to look back, no time to regret.

peeling away the layers.
each step is a realization.
there's this rawness, goodness
in finding myself (again).
i've got nothing but time anymore.

s t r a n g e .
to find your things with mine.
strange to realize how much
time's gone by.
(we've yet to s p e a k.)

missing tonight.
reminiscing tonight.

that sweatshirt still smells like you.
i'm a bit tongue tied again.
relied too much,
keep reminding myself i'm strong enough.

w h a t a m i
reaching for?

nov. third one twenty-four p.m.
same old jacket, same old sighs
i remember
the times when i felt

but what happened
between then and now
what happened to make me so bitter
you'd think my heart fell out

my lungs are full of meaningless air
for once in a long while
i wish i could
b e a t ease
knowing i'm doing
fine in my o w n.

breathing just fine on my o w n.

we are here, beautiful or not.

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